Saturday, April 02, 2011

You Too Can Lead!

Leadership is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the world today. We often tend to associate leadership with lofty positions of power. How wrong that is!
The world is in dire need of solutions to its numerous problems. Never in history has the world been in greater demand for joy, peace, progress, convenience, wealth, self-mastery, and order as it is today. Yet the solution to all these can be found in two words: Effective Leadership.

What then is leadership? Is it an in-born quality, the preserve of a few, or a skill that can be developed by every one? Perhaps taking a quick look at the characteristics of effective leadership will help to answer these questions.

Who is a leader?

A leader is someone who by reason of knowledge, expertise, experience or character has earned the right to be a point of reference to others. Such a person may not hold a ‘big name’ position yet enjoys the loyalty of his colleagues, friends, associates and family. Just like light, no matter how hard a leader conceals himself, he eventually gets noticed and distinguished from the crowd.
Leadership is not a function of position, and position doesn’t make people leaders. True leaders who are committed to influencing others eventually earn positions of power that help them to do even more. Personally, I don’t believe in born leaders. Anyone anywhere who develops the qualities required for effective leadership whether at home, work, school, or in a public service, would naturally earn the respect and followership of others.

Characteristics of Effective leadership

You can become an effective leader. You can take the lead; you can blaze the trail; and you can set the pace for others to follow. Even your enemies will readily submit to your influence when you exhibit the following characteristics. Let us take a look at them.

1. Unusual confidence. No one will believe in you or follow you if you are not sure of where you are going. Majority of people are motivated by the hope of a better future. And as long as you can prove to them that the action they are being inspired to take through your vision promises increase, they will follow you.

2. Ability to communicate. The success of every leader is a function of his/her ability to achieve great goals through others. For example, in 1960, J.F. Kennedy had a 10-year goal for man to reach the moon. Although he didn’t have the professional expertise to achieve it on his own, he was able to communicate the vision to scientists and astronauts who eventually achieved it in 1969.

3. Sense of Purpose.
Effective leaders carry a sense of purpose visible to everyone around them. They may not be good at everything but they are very good at something. People can feel the passion, commitment and determination that leaders put into their pursuit and therefore want to help them achieve it.

4. Creativity in handling Crisis.
Leaders never welcome challenges with despair. They always carry the mentality that anticipates unforeseen circumstances. They understand that if anyone must reach lofty heights that he dreams of, he has to accept the challenges, tests, trials, oppositions and disappointments that they encounter along the way and work hard to overcome them. As a cleaner, office boy or security guard you can lead your way to the top. No one is left out.

5. Willingness to live for others.

Effective leaders live for a cause they are willing to die for. They understand that for others to make progress and live better lives in a particular dimension, someone has to pay the price of responsibility.

You can exhibit effective leadership in your family, group or community. You can start leading from the very spot you’re reading this article. Offer to help someone solve a problem today. Do a little more than is expected of you in everything and you are on your way to leading others.

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