Saturday, April 02, 2011

Powering Your Dreams

You can experience unimaginable turnaround in your life this year, no matter where you are right now. All you need is to give attention to the important principles that has made millions of great men in history. The following are some of them:


Success begins with knowing what you want and then doing everything within your power to achieve it. But it takes responsibility to do that. Someone once said, ‘If you fail, it’s your fault. If you succeed, it’s your fault.’

Many people may never succeed in life because they blame their failures on everything else around them except themselves. What lies behind us can never be compared with what lies within us. Being poor or rich begins with a state of mind.

For the rest of this year, carry a strong wealth-mentality and then carry a sense of responsibility to match. Rich people are deliberate. They choose what they want and take responsibilities to make them happen. So if you want to break into riches this year you must be deliberate. Your future is determined by your internal resoluteness and conditioning, not your external circumstances.


Change is the hallmark of progress and improvement. You can’t climb to the next level with the experience and expertise of yesterday. Embrace new opportunities to change when you find them.

One reason why I finally met the love of my life was because I emotionally disconnected from the ‘extra luggage ladies’ I had as friends. I had to disconnect from them and move on. That was when I met my true love. If you want a change of experience, then disengage from the old and embrace the new that God is bringing into your life.


Learn to trust your God- given abilities. Many people fail because they lack confidence. In today’s world, it is erroneous to judge your future by negative past experiences. Ignore your negative past. We live in a world of negative, frustrated people. That makes it easy for us to hear a lot of lies about what we can do or what we can’t.

And it has been said that when you hear a lie seven times about yourself, you’ll begin to believe it. Therefore many people see more of obstacles, than the enormous potentials that lie within them. There was something big I accomplished last year that many thought was impossible. Now, the negative fact has changed because I dared to be confident.

Divide targets and dreams into smaller achievable parts. Then work at reaching them one at a time. You will discover that every time you reach a smaller target you gain confidence to approach a bigger one. Confidence is what enables you to work endlessly to conquer bigger challenges. Without confidence, there can be no discoveries or innovations. You need confidence to power your dreams to reality.


Potential is cheap. What the world celebrates is capacity. We were all born with potentials but not one person was born with a fully developed capacity. We all build capacity with time. And here’s the way to build capacity: learn and practise. Give yourself time to grow. Persist daily with patience. This does not mean doing the same thing and expecting a different result -that’s insanity. It means you keep looking for better ways of achieving your goals until you hit the mark.


If you see anybody out there doing something great and enviable, it is because they are working at their dreams and goals in the secret. They are hardly public people. Even the so-called showbiz figures that have become role-models to fun lovers, have little time for ‘public fun’. They spend late nights in their private studios, galleries and shooting locations developing their skills and expertise to perfection. If you are not comfortable with being alone for internal transformation, don’t expect much of external manifestations. Invest time in developing your God-given gifts. Those who make news hardly watch the news. In fact, a famous actress once said she can’t remember the last time she sat down to watch a movie. Imagine that!

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and start working it. The earlier you begin, the greater your chances. Start now.

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