Friday, July 31, 2009


Every excellent performance begins with a picture of success in your mind. No mental picture, no success.

Why do students fail?

This question can be answered in so many ways. Some say it is lack of preparation. Others say it is lack of focus and so on.

But if we really look at the root of all failures, we will find something in common. It is the inability to believe in one’s self. It is the inability to see success in the mind long before it becomes reality. No one ever stumbles into success. If any student find it difficult to study hard, or get overwhelmed by distractions… It is simply because he or she lacks the VISION of success in the mind.

That is why you must place a demand on success in your mind. People fail because they lack the inner explosion of HOPE that erupt the outer volcano of ENTHUSIASM and DETERMINATION. They never get motivated enough because they lack the SUCCESS MENTALITY needed for the success they desire.

Success begins in the mind. You can only believe what you have succeeded in visualizing with your mind. Let no one deceive you. The HOPE that comes from developing success in your mind is as important as the WORK you need to do to achieve the success. Doing the work required for success without establishing an inner hope is no easier than creating a smoke without igniting a fire.


Therefore to succeed at the SSCE or UME you must start by developing pictures of success in your mind. Create a VISION for yourself. Can you see your desired result in your mind? Do you see your principal, parents and friends congratulating you for an outstanding result? Do you see yourself wearing the university matriculation gown not too long from now?

The process of doing this is called visualization.

Visualization process is important for three reasons:

1. IT EMPOWERS YOU. When you visualize success, you become empowered to succeed. Have you ever seen some students who study everyday as if tomorrow is the exam day? That is where the energy comes from. As long as they keep remembering and meditating on success they keep doing all in their capacity to ensure that the picture in their mind becomes a reality.

2. IT PRODUCES FOCUS IN YOU. Scientists have discovered through adequate research that those who visualize success regularly help their brain to focus and notice available resources in and around them that would help them achieve the success they see in their mind.

3. IT CREATES OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU. Visualization also conditions your mind and body to behave in a way that attracts the right people, the right resources and the right opportunities you need to achieve success.

Not everyone is a genius but everyone can achieve excellence. Not everyone may be termed super-intelligent but everyone can develop a success mentality. If anyone is performing excellently, it is not because they are the most endowed. It is because they are making the most of the resources available to them.

I don't care what your academic performance may have been before now, if you understand the power of visualization- which is developing a picture of success in your mind- then you can perform excellently in any subject that seems to be a big challenge.


The summary of everything I have said so far can be wrapped up in the words of Norman Vincent Pearl: 'What the mind can conceive, the man can achieve'.

Every great success begins with a DESIRE that leads to a DECISION to prepare a study plan, which in turn creates enough DETERMINATION to succeed. A decision to study hard and consistently will not come without a visualization of success.
Therefore think success until you begin to speak it. And then keep speaking it until you begin to act it and eventually you find the whole world around you coming to your aid in actualizing the pictures you have developed in your mind to achieve.

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