Thursday, August 28, 2008

Picking Good stocks

How To Retire Rich By picking ‘good stocks’

What does it take to pick a good ‘stock’? How do you ensure that the stocks you pick will not only guarantee your long-term wealth but also long term peace?

You will discover in the next few lines.

Do you find confidence in what the CEO says about his stocks on TV? Or do you believe that any stock that is currently doing well in the stock market is a ‘hot stock’? These are no good reasons for buying a stock.

You should not buy a stock simply because it is moving up in value. A bad stock may appreciate for a few days or even weeks because of some generally favorable market forces.

Of course, no one can tell you which ‘hot stock’ will ultimately live up to expectation. No one can even say with accuracy what the general market trend will be in the future. But if you examine the performance of stocks that have weathered the storm over the years you will discover some similar traits they all hold.

What are those traits and how do you engage them in selecting stocks that guarantee your peace and comfort?

Pick stocks With Strong Management.

The most reliable stocks are owned by companies that are being run by good management teams. These teams consist of seasoned individuals with great respect for company policies and core value. A listed company that is run on a great management system is sure to endure on the long term. No matter what the market is saying per time it will always experience an upward trend. I would suggest that you keep off any company‘s stock that rises in value without a good management system.

Pick Stocks With Enduring quality and productivity.

Investing in a company’s stock that lacks clear evidence of quality products and relevant services is a death trap for any investor. A stock price doesn’t just move. Something moves it. If this ‘mover’ is not genuine, the stock lacks the credibility for a good ‘buy’.

Pick stocks With Healthy financial fundamentals.
Successful companies have solid financial fundamentals. They maintain good assets and stay away from bad debts. They manage their debt with great sophistication that keeps their investors at rest. Stocks with good financial fundamentals can be trusted… especially when combined with other traits.

Pick Stocks With Sound Business Philosophy.

A Company with strong upward trends may change its CEO or president but because it is founded on strong management principles and systems, they always maintain their track record of success. Promising companies know their core mission, their customers, their brand uniqueness and industry. They incorporate their best business values into their business policy. Their products are competitive and consistent. Therefore their stocks will be stable.

It is virtually impossible to tell what the general trend tomorrow will be. But you can choose to stick with stocks with a promising future. That way you will be sure that your stocks will appreciate consistently.

Acheiving Excellence

7 Practical Steps To Excellence and Fortune.

Do you know you can have everything you want in life? Yes… you may not know everything or have access to every desirable opportunity. Yet you can be on top of your game and get the best out of your world.

Responsibility is the price you need to pay to be on top. Therefore you may want to consider the following practical steps to move up the ladder of excellence and Fortune.

Step 1

Excellence is outside your Comfort Zone.

What standard of living do you want to achieve? How much do you dream to achieve in the 365 days? Set a goal in terms of dollars.

Let’s say yours is 100,000 dollars/ year. Calculate it per day. That is about 275 dollars per day. Value your time this way and push yourself to do what you do… so well that you begin to see yourself doing much more than you are expected to do.

Step 2

Dare To Be different and achieve excellence.

Discover your strength and uniqueness. If you do, you will excel. Don’t be limited by thinking that you can only make money by doing what your rich neighbor is doing.

Anyone can excel if he locates his turf and stick with it long enough. No matter how hard we try we cannot be the best in someone else’s turf.

Step 3

Never compromise your standard of excellence.

The moment you discover where you belong, hang in there. When you are trying to stay in your uniqueness, people will come to you several reasons why you won’t succeed. This is normal, because they don’t see what you see. But being able to stick to your vision brings out the excellence in you.

Step 4

Embrace a work Culture for excellence.

The world is full of those who talk the talk without working the work. Before you tell the world how much you know, show them first! The easiest way to do this is by embracing a work culture.

If you are an employee, be the best. Carry out every task with the best quality in mind. Work every minute of your working hour. That’s what it takes to be the best. You may not be the most talented but you can be the most competent.

Also, you may have to run your company sometime soon… and your boss won’t be there to motivate you to excellence. Your work culture then becomes your greatest asset.

Step 5

Resist Distraction and Procrastination- Enemies of excellence

Have a plan for each day and then choose to do the most important first. A lot of tasks will definitely compete for our attention but our ability to say ‘yes’… only to the most important makes us highly productive. When you have to choose between your important tasks and the urgent, I’d advise to go with the important. It is when you fail to do the important task at hand that they become urgent.

Step 6

Constantly strive to improve on yourself for excellence

Every man or woman can reach unimaginable heights of excellence because every one can improve. No matter what level of skillfulness, performance, personality or wealth you have achieved, you can still become better and better. You need to do all you can to succeed? We stand the chance of being limited when we compare ourselves to our environment. 90% of those around us are comfortable with the average. But always keep in mind that you are aiming for excellence. This will keep you improving until you become a global force to be reckoned with.

Step 7

Excellence requires being concerned about others

Great men are men with a a large heart. They don’t think about themselves alone but how to better the lot of their world. That is why they better access to productive ideas and excellent results. They set large goals big enough to impact the less privileged in their communities, nations and the world as a whole. And nature has a way of rewarding them with more wealth than they will ever need in their lifetime.

Excellence is only 7 steps away. Think about it.

To your Success!